Parham House and gardens

Guided tours with lunch and refreshments: £47.50pp

Thursday 28 August 2025 – 11am start

The Elizabethan house, built in 1577, remained in the same family from 1601 until 1922 when it was bought by the Hon Clive Pearson, younger son of the first Viscount Cowdray, and his wife Alicia. It contains a collection of fine furniture, paintings, books, textiles and clocks, including items with historical or family links with the house. Alicia Pearson created one of the finest and most important collections of early needlework in the country. Now owned by a charitable trust, it is also the home of the Pearsons’ great-granddaughter, Lady Emma Barnard, and her family.
The gardens consist of seven acres laid out in the 18th century with a lake, a brick and turf maze and many specimen trees. The four-acre walled garden contains herbaceous borders, roses, vegetables, a cut-flower garden and an orchard. There is also a 1920s Wendy house and greenhouse designed by the Arts and Craft architect Victor Heal, who was engaged in the conservation and restoration of the house. Garden designer Lanning Roper, a friend of the Pearsons, gave advice on planting during the 1960s and 1970s and in the 1980s Peter Coats laid out the double blue borders and gold borders. During the Covid-19 pandemic a long-standing perennial weed problem was tackled leaving cleared beds fallow for two years. Since then a project of replanting has been undertaken by Head Gardener Andrew Humphris and his small team of full-time gardeners and part-time volunteers.
Tea and coffee will be available on arrival with the house tour starting at 11am followed by a light lunch of quiche and salad with cake and a cold drink and/or coffee following the tour. Two hours should be allowed for those travelling by train from London Victoria, ideally taking the 09.05 arriving Pulborough 10.22 with a 15-minute taxi ride journey costing about £16 per cab. The house and grounds close at 5pm. There is a train to London at 17.25 – 18.45.
Images provided by kind permission of Parham Park Ltd – © 2025 Parham Park Ltd

Booking Form

Please note that MPG events are open to members of MPG and its sister organisations only.

Please include a mobile if possible

Bank Transfer

By bank transfer with reference PARHAM
Sort Code 40 40 32
Account 5161 4002
Account name: Mediterranean Plants and Gardens
IBAN GB63 HBUK 4040 3251 6140 02


If you wish to pay by bank transfer in euros, please contact David Mason