Joining as a new member
If you join MPG, the benefits include:
- the opportunity to meet others with similar interests. Some members live or have second homes in Mediterranean areas, some have no garden at all but have a special interest in particular Mediterranean plants or regions. Several are horticultural professionals.
- a varied programme of events in the UK and overseas. Each year we hold a Winter Meeting and a Summer Garden Tour in the UK. Professionals and volunteers help to organise visits to gardens in the Mediterranean, as well as botanising trips. Previous tours include Armenia, Crete, Jordan, Morocco, South Africa, France, Greece and Italy.
- access to the bursary scheme to support an educational, conservation or research objective with a focus on Mediterranean plants.
- access to meetings and trips with MPG’s sister societies.
The easiest way to start enjoying the benefits is to join online by completing the Online Membership Form and sending us your annual subscription. Subscriptions are £10 per person per calendar year. Memberships paid on or after 1 October in any year will run to December of the following year.
We would welcome you as a member of MPG