We are delighted that you are considering booking an MPG trip. MPG is not a tour company: it is a Social Organisation and trips are organised by members solely for members of MPG and its sister organisations, and are priced to break even, as we wish to encourage and enable all members to take part.
Please read carefully through the booking conditions below. There are actions you need to take and important information which you need to provide.
Terms & Conditions of Booking
1. For any trip, you must ensure that you have adequate general fitness, appropriate clothing and, on trips including off-road walks, suitable footwear and walking aids for the terrain, following any advice provided in tour promotion or on the booking form. The tour leader has the right to refuse to allow a participant to join part of the tour if they believe the participant’s level of fitness may be detrimental to the safety and enjoyment of the group.
2. For events outside the UK, or in the UK if you are not UK-resident, you must have comprehensive insurance including cover for cancellation, medical care and repatriation, and third-party liability. Contact details of the insurance provider and your policy number must be given to the tour organiser before the trip and you should have the policy document with you during the trip. Note that MPG does not carry insurance for trip participants, and does not offer first aid or other medical assistance.
3. On tours, please ensure that you have an adequate supply of any medication you require and that this is in your hand luggage. Details of medication(s) and next of kin must be provided to the tour organiser before travel, so that these can be given to health services in an emergency.
4. Dietary requirements and food allergies/intolerances must be noted on the booking form. It is your responsibility to re-confirm with the provider of any meal or snack that you serving does not contain anything to which you may have a reaction.
5.You are strongly encouraged to keep up-to-date with any Covid-19 vaccinations offered either in the UK or your own jurisdiction. If you contract Covid-19 during a tour you may be required to isolate. MPG cannot be held liable for any costs or disruption you may incur. If circumstances make it desirable, MPG may require participants to test for Covid-19 and confirm a negative result before the trip starts.
6. MPG is an association of people interested in plants and conservation. International and national rules govern the collection of plant material from the wild. Without an appropriate permit (or the permission of the landowner in the case of UK garden visits) you should understand that removing any plant material could render you liable to prosecution.
7. Events are subject to alteration or cancellation due to weather, the personal circumstances of guides or garden owners, and other circumstances over which MPG has no control.
8. MPG and members organising events on behalf of MPG cannot be held liable for any claims arising from your participation in an event. Should a legal dispute arise, this will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales only, and the law of England and Wales alone will apply.