Newt Hotel and garden near Castle Cary Somerset

Tuesday 20 August 2024

This extensive garden in Somerset is the former ancestral home of the Hobhouse family. Now a hotel with gardens that are developing, we are pleased to offer a full day there.

The grounds are extensive and will require walking between garden spaces, so good mobility is essential to enjoy this day.

The cost of the day is £61 for RHS member and £81 for non-members inclusive of lunch and coffee.

Autumn bulbs of Lycia

Sunday 20 – Sunday 27 October 2024 plus three optional days

MPG’s one-week tour in south-west Turkey staying in Kalkan, Cirali and Side, will include visits to Simena, Phaselis and Termessos, for the wild flora and their history. Members should see Colchicum stevenii (shown in the picture), C. boissieri, C. variegatum, C. sanguicolle, purple-throated Crocus mathewii with white C. cancellatus subsp. lycius, also Sternbergia clusiana and many cyclamen. There is an optional three-night extension to visit more antiquities.