The seed list is maintained by Chantal Guiraud of our sister association Mediterranean Gardening France, in Montpellier. It is open to MPG members and is updated twice a year, once early for spring sowing and then in September. September sowing is recommended for Mediterranean planting. A huge amount of work goes into maintaining the seed exchange.
When ordering or donating seeds, be sure to comply with regulations and check that your choices do not include plants that could be invasive which can damage local ecosystems and native species. Interesting information about these is available at the website of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation and in the RHS’s advice here.
Ordering seeds
To order seeds please email Chantal at chantal.gouverner@gmail.com confirming that you are a paid-up member of MPG. Members may order up to 10 packets of seeds each year or 15 packets if you have contributed seed yourself. It is a good idea to add three or four alternatives to your order in case the ones you want are out of stock.
Contributing seeds
Members in the EU can contribute – but sending seeds from UK is not allowed. Members in the EU should collect seeds from the garden, clean off any debris, then put each variety in a paper envelope, clearly marked with the name of the plant, the date and the location where the seed was collected. These envelopes should then be placed in a padded envelope and posted to:
Chantal Guiraud
75 rue de la Vieille Poste
34000 Montpellier