Newt Hotel and garden near Castle Cary Somerset
Tuesday 20 August 2024
‘The gardens at The Newt have been shaped over the last 200 years by successive enthusiasts, including Margaret Hobhouse who elevated them to a Victorian ideal, introducing colour, a greenhouse and many trees of beech, oak, pine, walnut and cedar. Renowned garden designer Penelope Hobhouse gave Margaret’s vision a new lease of life in the 1970s, followed by Nori and Sandra Pope, whose experiments with colour delighted and inspired thousands of visitors in the mid-1980s. The latest incarnation has been created by Italo-French architect Patrice Taravella, who believes a garden should be both beautiful and useful’.
Such is the Newt’s own introduction to this hotel and with garden in Somerset, the former ancestral home of the Hobhouse family. It boasts an extensive and interesting garden, and we are pleased to offer members a day there to explore.
The day will begin late morning at 11.30 to allow for train arrivals to Castle Cary. The morning commences with a guided tour of the garden. After lunch in the restaurant, you will be able explore the Four Seasons garden, the Beezantium, and the reimagined Roman villa Ventorum created on the site of a discovered roman villa remains. Spaces for these visits will need to be prebooked and we will do our best to accommodate everyone.
The garden is large and will entail a fair amount of walking as distances between garden spaces are significant, good footwear is essential.
Places are limited and as such we recommend you book early if this garden appeals. It helps greatly if you can make payment on booking and no bookings are confirmed until payment has been received.
The costs for the day are:
RHS members – cards must be shown: £61
Non RHS members: £ 81
If you require a lift from the station, please do indicate on the booking form and we will see what can be organised. The plan is to meet the 11.06 arriving from London Paddington.
Please note there is a lovely garden at Hauser and Wirth gallery very close to Castle Cary which those in area may wish to visit either before or after this garden day. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to co-ordinate the two gardens on this visit. The garden only opens Thursday to Sunday. It is however a delightful area for gardens so you may consider staying over locally. https://www.hauserwirth.com/locations/10068-hauser-wirth-somerset/
Any questions please contact sue@tymon-uk.com
Bookings Closed
Please note that MPG events are open to members of MPG and its sister organisations only.
Bank Transfer
By bank transfer with reference NEWT HOTEL
Sort Code 40 40 32
Account 5161 4002
Account name: Mediterranean Plants and Gardens
IBAN GB63 HBUK 4040 3251 6140 02
If you wish to pay by bank transfer in euros, please contact David Mason