Gardens of eastern Sicily
Wednesday 11 to Wednesday 18 May 2022 BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED
This trip to eastern Sicily will focus on the gardens and native plants of the area through a series of visits to public and private gardens in Catania, Taormina, Siracusa and on Mount Etna. We will also visit two nurseries, enjoy two easy nature walks, and visit both an archaeological and a historic site in Siracusa, which will enable us to put into context some of the historical background of the area. The trip will be led by local horticulturalist Sergio Cumitini.
Accommodation for the first four nights will be in Catania, followed by three nights in Siracusa.
Fee: £1210 per person (single occupancy supplement £295) including accommodation and all meals, local transport, guiding, entrance fees and the option of a transfer from Catania airport. Flights are not included. A deposit of £320 per person will be payable by 28 February to confirm acceptance of the offer of a place. The balance will be due by 31 March.
Booking Form
Bookings now closed
Bank Transfer
Please send deposit of £320 by 28 February 2022
By bank transfer with reference SICILY 2022
Sort Code 40 40 32
Account 5161 4002
Account name: Mediterranean Plants and Gardens
IBAN GB63 HBUK 4040 3251 6140 02
by cheque drawn on a UK bank made out to Mediterranean Plants and Gardens, sent to:
Chiddingstone Causeway
TN11 8JX
If you wish to pay by bank transfer in euros, please contact David Mason