Dryas octopetela

Gentiana verna

Draba rigida

Coolwater Garden
Ireland: gardens and Mediterranean
Sunday 22 to Friday 27 May 2022
There are outstanding areas for plants within the British Islands and the Burren can claim to be the most fascinating of all. Some of its wild plants which grow in contrasting parts of Europe are found alongside each other here. For example Dryas octopetala (typical of sub-arctic and mountainous areas) is found in the Burren alongside Geranium sanguineum, often considered southern European. Members can expect to see the bright blue Gentiana vera, and orchids such as Neotinea maculata, Ophrys apifera, etc, amid extraordinary geomorphology and stunning scenery. The trip will include five nights at the four-star modern Shannon Springs Hotel, enabling four full days of visits. Our guide for two days in the Burren and adjacent areas of Co Clare will be Carl Wright, botanist, lecturer and photographer. Two other days will be devoted to gardens in County Limerick, with tours led by the owners and a head gardener. The cost (including hotel, all meals, wine with dinner, local transport, but excluding transport to the hotel at the beginning and end of the tour) is £570 per person (sharing a room) or £630 (single occupancy). Payment may also be made in euros.
Please apply as soon as possible using the form below but do not send any money until your place has been confirmed. This event may be affected by Covid regulations including evidence of up-to-date Covid vaccination and members are required to be vaccinated. If you have questions please email Heather.
Thank you to Paddy Tobin and Kevin Begley for the images on these pages.
Booking Form
Bank Transfer
By bank transfer with reference Ireland
Sort Code 40 40 32
Account 5161 4002
Account name: Mediterranean Plants and Gardens
IBAN GB63 HBUK 4040 3251 6140 02
If you wish to pay by bank transfer in euros, please contact David Mason
To pay by cheque drawn on a UK bank made out to Mediterranean Plants and Gardens, sent to:
Heather Martin
Chiddingstone Causeway
TN11 8JX