Zoom lecture on the Mediterranean Biome at the Eden Project
Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 5.30 for a 6pm talk via Zoom
We are very pleased that MPG member Catherine Cutler, head of the Mediterranean Biome at the Eden Project, Cornwall will be talking to us about the Mediterranean Biome, giving us some insight into the reality of keeping Mediterranean plants happy. She will spend time exploring the history and purpose of Eden, take a closer look at the Mediterranean plant collections, discuss how the Mediterranean biome is managed and talk about any future plans.
Some of you may have met Catherine on the Israel trip February/ March 2020 trip where she was a bursary holder. You can read her bursary report here:
Plant-hunting and the Holy sites of Israel – Mediterranean Plants and Gardens (medpag.org)
To register for the lecture which is open to MPG members, please complete the booking form below.
Bookings will close 24 hours before the scheduled lecture so on January 31 2022 at 5.30pm.