Ammi visnaga and Dahlia in Aberglasney cloisters
South-west Wales
Sunday 12 September – Wednesday 15 September 2021
The National Botanic Garden of Wales has the greatest collection of Mediterranean-climate plants in the northern hemisphere, many within a spectacular glasshouse. It will be the high spot of this visit to westernmost Wales which will also take in four other remarkable gardens – Aberglasney, Picton Castle and the private gardens of Llanllyr and Dyffryn Fernant, not normally open to the public. Our group will spend three nights at the Ivy Bush Royal Hotel in Carmarthen which is economical and well placed.
Gardens vary and some paths may be uneven and steep.
Cost: £280 per person with a single occupancy supplement of £45 (total £325), including meals from Sunday dinner to Wednesday breakfast.
To apply for a place please complete the form below and send a deposit of £100 per person by 30 June. The balance will be due by 15 August.
Booking Form
Booking closed
Bank Transfer
By bank transfer with reference Wales
Sort Code 40 40 32
Account 5161 4002
Account name: Mediterranean Plants and Gardens
IBAN GB63 HBUK 4040 3251 6140 02
If you wish to pay by bank transfer in euros, please contact David Mason
To pay by cheque drawn on a UK bank made out to Mediterranean Plants and Gardens, sent to:
Heather Martin
Chiddingstone Causeway
TN11 8JX