Nature and walks in southern Tuscany
Monday 2 to Sunday 8 May 2022 – FULLY BOOKED
This is a walking trip and on some days members will cover about ten kilometers, some on rough, slippery terrain, sometimes with no proper path. Very steep – albeit short – sections may include a bit of a scramble. On some days there will be no cafés or public toilets and just a simple picnic lunch, with food carried in our backpacks. Members must have experience of, and be physically fit for, walking on uneven trails and have sturdy, hiking shoes with anti-slip soles, rather than trainers. Partners will be welcome if they are prepared to find alternative things to do on their own and to cater for themselves when the leader advises that they should not do particular walks. Such members may enjoy the scenery, good local food and hotels, joining only the easiest walks. A transfer by coach will be offered from Rome Fiumicino (FCO) airport at about 13.30 (to be confirmed) on the arrival day, and from the final hotel to Fiumicino after breakfast on the final day. Some may opt to stay for a night or two in Rome at the beginning or end of the trip.
Cost: £860 per person sharing a room. Single supplement £190. This includes accommodation, local transport and meals including wine with dinners.
Please apply for places as soon as possible and, once places have been confirmed, deposits of £250 per person will be payable by 2 March and the balance by 31 March.
Booking Form
Payment methods
By bank transfer with reference MAREMMA
Sort Code 40 40 32
Account 5161 4002
Account name: Mediterranean Plants and Gardens
IBAN GB63 HBUK 4040 3251 6140 02
by cheque drawn on a UK bank made out to Mediterranean Plants and Gardens, sent to:
Chiddingstone Causeway
TN11 8JX
If you wish to pay by bank transfer in euros, please contact David Mason.