MPG AGM via Zoom
Wednesday 26 June at 5.30 for 6pm start on Zoom
Our AGM will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 26 June at 6pm. The meeting is open to all members. The first 30 minutes or so will allow the committee to update members on MPG business, activities to date and plans for 2024/25. Following this more formal part of the session you can then relax and enjoy an interesting talk from our guest speaker this year Noel Kingsbury.
Noel Kingsbury is internationally known as an innovator, writer, published author and teacher in the fields of gardening and planting design, especially in researching and promoting naturalistic planting. He has also written about the history of agricultural crops and garden plants. He is currently making an experimental low-irrigation garden in Portugal.
The talk ‘A garden in Portugal – the first four years’ will explain his huge learning curve in creating a minimal irrigation garden in central Portugal, something we may feel a kinship to in the Mediterranean gardens which many members have been creating. This will be an honest look at successes and failures, challenges of planning, propagating and planting. Noel seeks to share his exploration of Mediterranean plants in terms of their occupation of time and space to create an attractive landscape and habitat.
More information on booking the event will follow shortly with the AGM voting details.