Arundel Castle and its gardens
Thursday 27 June 2024
The 11th century Norman keep, medieval gatehouse and barbican were inherited by a member of the Fitzalan family in the 13th century and then the Howards in the 16th century and has been the home of the dukes of Norfolk, hereditary earl marshals of England, for 850 years. The living accommodation was rebuilt and modernised by the 15th duke in the 1870s.
The extensive castle grounds contain much of interest including the former medieval stew ponds and many specimen trees, such as an unusually large Ginkgo biloba (or Maidenhair tree) and Catalpa bignonioides (Indian bean tree) as well as the garden ‘rooms’. The latter include a large rose garden and, surrounding the Fitzalan Chapel, the White Garden.
The larger part of the gardens is made up of the beautiful Collector Earl’s Garden, designed by Isabel and Julian Bannerman in 2008, water features, a quirky stumpery, tropical garden, abundant kitchen garden and glasshouses, all under the aegis of Head Gardener and Landscape Designer Martin Duncan, who has worked as landscape designer for the royal palaces in Jordan and as head gardener for the botanical gardens and Government House, Bermuda.
The castle is built on a high point so there is a steepish slope to walk up in order to reach the gardens. Golf buggies are available if any member has difficulty walking. A small coffee hub can be found within the gardens but the main café/restaurant is within the castle itself.
If you have any questions about the day, please email Briony Marriott: brionymarriott@gmail.com
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Please note that MPG events are open to members of MPG and its sister organisations only.
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