Bursary Conditions

Applicants must be members of MPG at the time when they submit the application.

An individual award can be for any amount up to a maximum determined by the Management Committee. This is currently £500 but a higher amount may be approved for applications that have special merit.

Applications are considered by the Bursary Committee and their decision is ratified by the Management Committee, whose decision is final. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the chair of the Bursary Committee and must confirm their acceptance within two weeks of receiving that notification. Any subsequent correspondence about the management of the award must be sent to the committee chair.

Applications may be submitted at any time but if requested for an MPG event then the deadlines relating to registration or payment must be respected. In these cases, the award will normally be made by a transfer of funds. If the bursary relates to something other than an MPG event, the recipient must provide a statement of expenses and copies of relevant receipts to show how the award was used.

Recipients of a bursary must also declare any other sources of funding for which they have applied and inform the Bursary Committee of the results of such applications.

Within one month of completion, the award holder must submit a report in a form suitable for publication on the MPG website. Please take particular note of our Report Guidelines. Photos should also be made available to MPG for use in its publicity.

Bursary recipients are encouraged to post items about their experiences on social media and should acknowledge the support provided by MPG. The MPG Facebook manager would appreciate receiving pictures and captions which she can post on the account.